
Thursday 24 January 2019

Resurgence of Nazism in the streets of France

Resurgence of Nazism in the streets of France:
Jews are all criminals … let’s kick them out !!

Jew Hate
You would think that history taught a lesson. But somehow, it has not. The Jew hate that is happening in today’s world is frightening. If you watch this video and hear what is going on in France, it will give you the chills. It seems like it would be Germany in 1939. But it is not. The video is from 2019. Recently. Now. Today, this is still happening.
Just over 70 years after the end of the Holocaust, and people are still shouting things like “Jews are all criminals!” History apparently means nothing. Too many have not learned the destruction that hate causes. It is too recent since the Holocaust has happened for antisemitism like this to already be the norm. What will the future bring if this antisemitism is still occurring today

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