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Monday, 30 August 2010

An Arab Scandal: Saudi Arabia Assumes Moroccan Women Are Prostitutes

An Arab Scandal: Saudi Arabia Assumes Moroccan Women Are Prostitutes

This is unbelievable. Morrocan women “of a certain age” are not allowed to go to Saudi Arabia for pilgrimage? This is indeed a stereotype too far. as Nisreen Malek wrote in the Guardian today:
Instead of diverting resources to investigate and tackle the problem within Saudi Arabia, the blame and responsibility for the problem has been placed squarely on the shoulders of Moroccan women. This, if I may indulge in a little generalisation myself, is a characteristic way of dealing with issues that touch on morality. Sweep under the carpet, blame the other, and if all else fails, ban something.
But the blame sits not only with the Saudis. The Moroccans should have made a bigger stink out of this. They should have threatened to go all the way and if need-be ban their citizens from going to Saudi Arabia. Maybe this would generate the kind of publicity that forces the entire Arab world to debate this all-too-common stereotype.


  1. Well, the Saudies should shut up. Abroad, like in Morocco, they have no morels. They party, drink Whiskey and have sex with women not their wives. What is that? Morocco should ban the Saudies, but this will not happen, but it should be addressed to their King, who stays there often to cure his illnesses. But you cannot control men. They need the women for their well-being. Unmarried women do not get a visa for Saudi-Arabia, also from other countries, regardless of their reputation. Only old women might or they must marry solely for the Haj and divorce after their return.:-))

  2. It would also be nice if Moroccan women proved otherwise. But since they are not, and in fact throwing themselves on Arab's in general, the blame shouldn't be put mostly on Saudi's. Even if you tried, you can never deny the endless obsession of Moroccan women to eventual marry a Saudi man at any cost possible. And I believe you know what I mean.
    We both live in societies of mass corruption, and that image of Moroccan women imbedded in our heads is nothing but a mere symptom of that type of corruption.

  3. @anonymous No one in Morocco wants to marry a Saudi man,actually we don't like them ! nor the other people from Gulf ! Only some uneducated poor girls give us bad names...
    I really hope Morocco will ban Saudis to come to our country

  4. @TheFirst2Posts: I am absolutely appalled by your over-generalizations, ignorance, & highly stereotypical viewpoints. If you truly want to see how Moroccans behave, do the obvious... go to Morocco, you'll see that your simplified judgements are highly misaligned. In addition, the viewpoints that you both hold are highly sexist, as you blame an issue as broad as prostitution on the sole gender of females. If you know anything about economics, everything is about supply & demand. Therefore, it is obvious that if prostitution is an issue in Saudi Arabia, both men & women are to blame, however, more specifically... men. When you create a demand for something, you will inevitably find a source of supply.

    So please, wake up. It's 2012 for goodness sakes.
