Pete Seeger [MaanImages/
Appleseed Recordings]
Appleseed Recordings]
The 92-year-old singer made the news public at his home in New York, saying "I support the BDS movement as much as I can," and telling reporters that a virtual rally hosted by Friends of the Arava Institute, an Israeli environmental organization ICHAD says is closely partnered with the Jewish National Fund, did not mean he supported JNF activities.
Speaking alongside Seeger, coordinator of ICAHD Jeff Halper, said "Pete did extensive research on this. He read historical and current material and spoke to neighbors, friends, and three rabbis before making his decision to support the boycott movement against Israel.”
Didn't the ashkenazis irradiate a bunch of sephardi kids years back. You call Seeger a jerk, but you defend a country where you as a sephardi are considered a nigger. I think you are the real jerk.