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Saturday 4 June 2011

Is Israel a soft touch?

Lets see if I got this right... 

1.     If you cross the  North Korean  border illegally you get 12 years in prison at hard labor.

2.     If you cross the  Iranian             border illegally you get imprisoned indefintiely.

3.     If you cross the  Afghanistan     border illegally you get shot to death. 

4.     If you cross the  Saudi Arabian border illegally you get imprisoned.

5.     If you cross the  Chinese          border illegally you disappear, period.

6.     If you cross the  Venezuelan    border illegally you get tried as a spy.
7.     If you cross the  Cuban            border illegally you get to rot in prison.

8.     If you cross the  English           border illegally you get imprisoned and deported.

9.     If you cross the  Russian          border illegally you get sent to Siberia as a spy.

10.   If you cross the  Israeli             border illegally you get a job, welfare rights, a place to live, free education,
                                                            free health care, support from social justice lobbies, media sympathy,
                                                            a U.N. certificate for the protection of immigrants,
                                                            the right to protest about not being treated properly,
                                                            and if you have a child, citizenship.
        Israel gets.................................. denunciations from around the world,
                                                           including from the countries named in items 1-9,
                                                           for its poor treatment of refugees.

Do you understand? Or maybe you can pass it on to someone who understands better than we... 

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